Teaching My Puppy How to Run
In early April, I adopted the cutest being on the planet.
Her name is Zelda. She is a 6 month old black lab mix who loves to sleep.
As a recent running buff, I was excited to have my puppy join me on my running adventures.
Little did I know I was going to have to build up her speed and endurance just like I built my own up.
It is safer to take dogs out on runs once they have reached a certain size. For medium to large breeds like Zelda, the information I saw said it was safe to start running with them at 6 months old.
So for 2 months, I patiently waited as my puppy grew tremendously, gaining almost 15 pounds in that span.
So now that she's so big, I figured a little one mile run would be pretty easy for her, and I could start at my normal pace, just building up her distance.
Boy was I wrong.
My sleepy puppy is not very fast yet, and when I tried to start at my normal pace, I was practically dragging her along.
I slowed down to her pace and we were able to run the whole mile without her stopping, which I was surprised about because of how much she was panting.
It took us about 11 minutes.
Not bad for a little puppy, but she's got some work to do.
I am going to keep consistently taking her on runs and coax her to get faster and faster.
Stay updated on the blog to follow Zelda's running adventures.
Wow Zelda is so adorable! It’s nice to have a companion to go with you on your daily run. I have a Chihuahua who is five years old and I go on long walks with her. Once a week I go to the park and I run with her and she loves it! I look forward to reading about Zelda’s running adventures!